Stu & Tippy's Travels

This Blog will be used to document the travels of Stuart and Tippy Reid as we travel this beautiful country in our motorhome. We will hopefully be able to share our experiences in words and pictures and allow our friends and family to enjoy them with us.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tippy Update

Well we continue to have some improvement in Tippy's hip but she is still in considerable pain. She has been walking around the house and sitting up for a couple hours at a time. The walkie talkies allow me a little freedom around the house but I try to not get too far away. They have a range at least to the mailbox, about one mile, and when I am off the property we have the cell phones. I have made a couple of runs to the grocery store and to Walmart for more pain meds, otherwise and I have been staying close. Our neighbors have been wonderful in volunteering to assist in any way possible. They have brought food which has kept me from having to try to cook. Jana Brown brought a great chicken pot pie in a large pie dish which was delicious and provided several meals. Our next door neighbor, Debbie, brought a pan of lasagna over and I haven't finished all of it yet. Beverly Gibson also brought down a great pot roast in a crock pot which again provided several meals. The only problem I have now is we are out of food and I will have to start cooking and/or grilling or go to the TV dinner department pretty quick. More later. Be safe.


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