Stu & Tippy's Travels

This Blog will be used to document the travels of Stuart and Tippy Reid as we travel this beautiful country in our motorhome. We will hopefully be able to share our experiences in words and pictures and allow our friends and family to enjoy them with us.

Monday, April 18, 2005


We left the Little Mountain RV Resort a short time after 9:00 even though we had planned a 10:00 get a way. We got only about 5 miles from the resort and we came upon a telephone truck turned over on the road. He had lost control of the truck and went to the right shoulder, pulled it back onto the road but went to far and back off the road on the left side and again over corrected and the truck tipped over as he tried to get it back to the road. Fortunately no one was injured but we ended up being stuck on the road for over 2 ½ hours. They finally got two tow trucks on the scene and with some nifty work got the truck turned back on its wheels. The front end was still in the ditch and they tried to hook onto it and pull the front end back onto the road. After a short pull the chain let loose. While they were trying to get it re-hooked a guy got into the truck, started it up, and drove it onto the highway and then drove it down the road, amazing!

I will try to get a couple of pictures posted but I have been having trouble posting pictures the past few days. My last post, Little Mountain, went just fine and then when I tried to upload pictures of some deer at the golf course and a dinner view in Guntersville. I don’t know what is causing the problem. I thought it was the poor connection we had on the cell phone in Langston but with good service here in Birmingham it hasn’t gotten any better. More in a day or so, be safe.


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