We are still in Las Vegas getting things done medically, seeing family and friends, and doing some shopping when the heat permits. We attended Jackie and Jerry's 50th wedding anniversary party last evening and it was spectacular! All of their families were there and a good time was had by all. We will spend the afternoon today with our family and will get to meet Owen, my niece Nicole's new son.
Tippy and I have both been to the doctor. My blood work all came back positive and my cholestrol is now down to 136. I do need to get the good HDL's up a bit with some exercise but the Dr. said I am in great health. I will see a cardiologist on Wednesday for a preventative exam and stress test. Tippy is still waiting to hear about her MRI but is attending physical therepy every day to help her back. The back is actually pretty good now but the pain down her leg continues to trouble her.
I will try to post some pictures from the family get together tomorrow so until then be safe.